7. Running a batch Replacement on multifile
Replace Pioneer - text/binary/web file - Batch search,replace,convert,rename,split,download    6._Using_replace_script_template  8._Running_other_batch_operations_on_multifile 

To do replace on multi-files is an easy work:


1. Open Replace dialog by any of above method: "Replace", "Replace by Selected Record", "Replace by Script" or "Replace by Template"


2. Click "Batch..." Button at the bottom


3. A "Batch Runner" dialog will popup, Click "Pick Files", the "Open" dialog will popup.



4. Use ctrl or shift+mouse to select multi-files and Click "Open"



5. By clicking the Title of different column or right click each column, you can sort the files as need



6. You select or edit the different rule of "Set output file name" below the file list. The "Output File" column will be changed according to your new rule.


7. You can also check the "Change output file directory" to set a new directory for output files.


8. Click "Batch Replace", the replace command(s) you have designed will be done on each file you selected. You can check the realtime Log file for detail.



For detailed operation, please refer to Batch Runner