The Enhanced Regular Expression is similar to Perl Regular Expression, but make some changes for user's convenience.
Enhanced Regular Expression introduce and re-explain following symbols:
& -- and
| -- or(similar to Regular expression)
! -- not
() -- grouping
@ -- ignore case
Note 1: Don't use above symbols as in Regular Expression, they have different meaning in Enhanced Regular Expression.
Note 2: If "Enhanced Regular Expression" option is selected, you should avoid using '(' and ')' followed by a quantifier like (abc)* or (abc)+, '(' and ')' can only be used to group expressions like (abc&def)|xyz.
abc --> Item including abc
^abc$ --> Item equal to abc
abc@ --> Item including abc, ignore case
!abc --> Item not including abc
abc|def --> Item including abc or def
abc&def --> Item including abc and def
!abc@|(def&^xyz$) --> Combination of above