Fast Replace Operations
Replace Pioneer - text/binary/web file - Batch search,replace,convert,rename,split,download    Non-replace_Batch_Operations  Settings_for_replace 


Steps to launch "fast replace":


1. Click ctrl-B to open "Batch Runner" window


2. Click "Pick files" to select multi-file list


Note: user can import http list here, and make fast replace on downloaded text, please refer to Batch Files Selection for detail.


3. Click "Fast Replace" button, a dialog box will pop up:




4. Edit search/replace rules


Search/Replace List:


User can click "Add" to add one or mulitple Search/Replace rule.


User can also click "Modify/delete/clear" button to change the rule, and click "up/down" to change the order of rules.


To save the rule, user need to click "export"


To load the rule, user need to click "import", the format of the rule can be the same as the exported text, also can be two columns of text seperated by one of (tab,comma,space,pipe,colon,equal), a shortcut to importing a rule file is dragging the rule file from file browser and dropping to the list.



Search/Replace Option:


Following options are supported for search/replace rules


[]Ignore case -- if this option is checked, all search character will ignore upper or lower cases


[]Reg exp -- if this option is checked, all search rule will be explained as Regular expression(some special characters will has special meaning)


[]Cross line -- if this option is checked, all search rule can apply to multi-line, such as abc.*?def will match abc and def in different line.


[]Binary -- if this option is checked, files to replace will be open and save in binary mode.


[]Extract -- if this option is checked, only matched text will be copied to output, if multiple rules are defined, second rule will not replace text base on the result of first rule, but base on the original text.


[]Whole word -- if this option is checked, a leading and a trailing word boundary mark(\b) will be added to each search pattern, which means only the pattern that appearing as a whole word will be matched.





1) User can use any printable characters in search or replace column


2) User can also use format like \x01 \x02 ..., which stands for non-printable bytes.


3) All functions and following variables can be supported in replace column:



$match indicate the matched text, which is the same as $&


$file_no indicate the sequence no of the current processing file


$FULLNAME the full name of current reading file with path


$DIRNAME the pathname of current reading file


$FILENAME the name of current reading file without path, it's blank if no file is read


$BASE the name of current reading file without path info and extesion


$EXT the extension of current reading file



5. System has provided some common fast replace template at "Load Template" at the top



By selecting these integrated rules, user can:


* Do simple replacement like 'a' to 'b'


* Do multiple replacement like 'a' to 'b' and 'c' to 'd'


* Do binary file replacement like:


DOS-UNIX format conversion


add remove BOM for utf-8 file


make uuencode and uudecode


convert binary file to readable hex text


update mp3 tag from filename like artist-album.mp3 automatically



6. By select "Append Mode", user can also decide to overwrite or append to exist file, this option is useful when user need to search and replace text in multiple files and write output to a single file.


7. By clicking "Start", the confirm window will be poped up, click 'Yes' and the fast replace operation will be started, the "Batch Operation Logs" dialogbox will be poped-up to show the detailed operation logs.


8. If user click 'Output to single' button on confirm dialog, and select an output file, all the result will output to the single file, and the pre-defined output file list will be ingored.