User: firewolf -- 2012-12-18 << 1035 1037 >> |
Hits: 3461 |
Type: Advanced search and replace |
Search all Advanced search and replace examples |
Description: |
i have a rule txt(or dic) like this: not|ic|e f|bi you|r t|ic|ket a|ct|ing l|itt|le according to the rule txt, replace match words, punctuation remain unchanged, no matches remain unchanged£¬Sensitive remain unchanged |
Input Sample: |
Dialogue: 0,0:03:20.02,0:03:20.82,EnText,,0000,0 000,0000,,Notice? Dialogue: 0,0:03:20.82,0:03:22.30,EnText,,0000,0 000,0000,,May I see your ticket? Dialogue: 0,0:03:37.15,0:03:39.17,EnText,,0000,0 000,0000,,You are acting a little . |
Output Sample: |
Dialogue: 0,0:03:20.02,0:03:20.82,EnText,,0000,0 000,0000,,Not/ic\e? Dialogue: 0,0:03:20.82,0:03:22.30,EnText,,0000,0 000,0000,,May I see F/BI\ you/r\ t/ic\ket? Dialogue: 0,0:03:37.15,0:03:39.17,EnText,,0000,0 000,0000,,You are a/ct\ing a l/itt\le. . |
Answer: |
Hint: You need to Download and install "Replace Pioneer" on windows platform to finish following steps. |
first of all, generate a mapping table like: notice,not|ic|e fbi,f|bi your,you|r ticket,t|ic|ket acting,a|ct|ing little,l|itt|le Procedure: 1. ctrl-o open the origial rule file 2. ctrl-h open 'replace' windows * set 'replace unit' to 'Line' * set 'replace with pattern' to: Note: if you want to generate upper case rules like: FBI,F|BI You can use: 3. click 'replace', the mapping file is generated 4. ctrl-s save to rule.txt Secondly, you can replace your files with the rules from rule.txt. 1. open "Tools->Batch Runner" window 2. drag multiple text files in to batch runner window 3. click "fast replace" 4. click "import" to import rules from rule.txt 5. check option of "reg exp" 6. click "start", done. |
Screenshot 1: Replace_Window |
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Check Demo of Advanced search and replace |
Keywords: |
ucfirst generate upper case punctuation unctuation matches upper upper case table mapping mapping file search replace text file from table replace text in multiple files using batch batch mapping table batch upper case batch case upper batch file upper batch file to upper case upper in batch file |