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1139.Advanced search and replace -- How to divide each column by the first number?

User: Lynne -- 2013-09-28          << 1138  1140 >>
Hits: 3149
Type: Advanced search and replace   
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I want each column divided by the first number,how to calculate it?
Input Sample:
2013-01-01    2    4    8   10 
2013-01-02   60   80   90   80 
2013-01-03  110  120  130  140 

Output Sample:
2013-01-01    2/2    4/4    8/8   10/10 
2013-01-02   60/2   80/4   90/8   80/10 
2013-01-03  110/2  120/4  130/8  140/10 

Hint: You need to Download and install "Replace Pioneer" on windows platform to finish following steps.
1. ctrl-o open text file 
2. ctrl-h open 'replace' dialogue 
* set 'replace unit' to 'Word' 
* set 'replace scope' to 'Line' 
* set 'replace with pattern' to:  
* click 'advanced' tab,  
set 'run following for each matched unit' to: 
3. click 'replace', done.

Screenshot 1:  Replace_Window

Screenshot 2:  Replace_Advanced_Window

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Check Demo of Advanced search and replace
divide  div  calculate  calcu  calculat  replace scope  scope  calc  run following for each matched unit  tab  divide number  search calculate replace  search replace calculate  search by column  first column  replace number column  search by number  first match