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1292.Regular expression replace -- How to add different words at the beginning of each line?

User: Chou -- 2015-04-05          << 1291  1293 >>
Hits: 2963
Type: Regular expression replace   
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How to add different words at the beginning of each line and same at the end?
Input Sample:
I love you  
You love me 
she loves him 
He loves  her 
Output Sample:
<5201314>I love you <520>  
<5202628>You love me<520>  
<5201314>she loves him<520>  
<5202628>He loves  her<520>  
Hint: You need to Download and install "Replace Pioneer" on windows platform to finish following steps.
1. ctrl-o open text file 
2. ctrl-h open 'replace' dialogue 
* set 'replace unit' to 'Line' 
* set 'search for pattern' to: 
* set 'replace with pattern' to: 
* click 'advanced' tab, set 'reun following at the beginning of replace' to: 
3. click 'replace', done

Screenshot 1:  Replace_Window

Screenshot 2:  Replace_Advanced_Window

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