User: Dilip -- 2015-04-25 << 1300 1302 >> |
Hits: 3025 |
Type: Advanced search and replace |
Search all Advanced search and replace examples |
Description: |
I have two tab separated text files. Both the files have first two columns that are identical but one is the master data whose Column 3,4,5 (tab seperated needs to be appended. If no values are found, then inlcude deletelater File 1.txt: Brand SKU Audi 007 Benz 009 Master.txt: Brand SKU Specifications Descriptions Title Audi 007 Alloy Wheel Sports Model Audi-8 S[yder |
Input Sample: |
File 1.txt: Brand SKU Audi 007 Benz 009 Master.txt: Brand SKU Specifications Descriptions Title Audi 007 Alloy Wheel Sports Model Audi-8 S[yder |
Output Sample: |
Brand SKU Specifications Descriptions Title Audi 007 Alloy Wheel Sports Model Audi-8 S[yder Bence 009 na na na |
Answer: |
Hint: You need to Download and install "Replace Pioneer" on windows platform to finish following steps. |
put master.txt under d:\test\ folder 1. ctrl-o open 1.txt 2. ctrl-h open replace dialogue * set 'replace unit' to 'Line" * set "replace with pattern" to: 3. click "advanced" tab * set "run following at the beginning of replace" to: 4. click "replace", done. |
Screenshot 1: Replace_Window |
Screenshot 2: Replace_Advanced_Window |