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44.Advanced search and replace -- How to correct typos in a paragraph?

User: sysdemo -- 2007-11-24          << 42  45 >>
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How to correct typos in a paragraph?
Input Sample:
I like my wrok, thta is an interesting thing.
Output Sample:
I like my work, that is an interesting thing.
Hint: You need to Download and install "Replace Pioneer" on windows platform to finish following steps.
1.ctrl-o open file 
2.ctrl-h open replace dialog, set as: 
1) set 'Replace unit' to 'Word' 
2) set 'Replace with pattern' to: 
3) Set If to: 
3. Click 'Replace' 
Notes: 1)version 1.11 and later support this function 

Screenshot 1:  Replace_Window

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toc  support  paragraph  correct  paragra  function  version  rsi  port  para  paragraph typos  a paragraph with typos  search paragraph  paragraph pattern  paragraph replace  replace paragraph  replace a paragraph  function replace