Batch Text Generator

Bin_Hex_Oct_Dec_converter  Text_sort 

Make Batch Commands base on File Name


Make a batch file to change name of all files under d:\

Text generator

User can get file list by using File->Load->DOS command output Menu:


1) Replace unit=line

2) Search for pattern=.*

3) rename \"$match\" \"$match.bak\"\n

Batch Commands with increasing ID


Make 10 directories with 2 increasing ID

Text generator


1) Replace Advanced Page->Insert begin text:

make_batch1("mkdir dir_${batch_no1}_${batch_no2}\n",10, 1,1,2,"d", 1,1,5,"d")

2) Notes: make_batch1(text,count, start1, step1, stop1, fmt1, start2, step2, stop2, fmt2, start3,step3,stop3,fmt3)

count=10, number of commands is 10

batch_no1 start=1, step=1, end=2

batch_no2 start=1, step=1, end=5

Batch Commands with non-related increasing ID


Make batch text with loop n1=1..10, n2=2,4,6,8, n3=3,6,9

Text generator


1) Replace Advanced Page->Insert begin text:

make_batch("testbatch n1=${batch_no1}, n2=${batch_no2}, n3=${batch_no3}\n",10, 1,1,10,"d", 2,2,8,"d", 3,3,9,"d")

2) Notes: make_batch(text,count start1, step1, stop1, fmt1, start2, step2, stop2, fmt2, start3, step3, stop3, fmt3)

Count=10, number of commands is 10

batch_no1 start=1, step=1, end=10

batch_no2 start=2, step=2, end=8

batch_no3 start=3, step=3, end=9


For batch replace files, please refer to Replace Pioneer help manual.

[an error occurred while processing this directive]