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14302018-12-18How to split a text file according to specified tags?Text file splitter2485
14142018-02-02How to split text file by about 200 chars without breaking line?Text file splitter3650
13902017-02-18How to split a text file with specified start and end line and name?Text file splitter3601
13872017-01-01How to split multiple text files by 100 lines?Text file splitter3454
13132015-07-22How to split multiple text files, and append line N to N.txtText file splitter3208
11532013-12-05How to break a column of text into more columns with 50000 rows in each column?Text file splitter3765
11502013-12-02How to batch split file delimitered by second comma in each line?Text file splitter4132
11442013-10-28How to batch split file delimitered by first dash in each line?Text file splitter4267
11352013-09-23How to split a CSV file with Header according to value of column B?Text file splitter4385
10802013-05-21How to save every 8 lines to a new file and skipping 2 lines after?Text file splitter3436
10692013-04-02How to split a file into many files according to first letter of each line?Text file splitter4130
10032012-09-09How to split a 100 line text file into 100 text files?Text file splitter4330
9862012-08-08How to split each line of csv file into a single file with specified format?Text file splitter5187
9802012-07-24How to split a text file to different files according to first word in each line?Text file splitter3953
9752012-07-21How to split a single line into many lines according by Special symbolsText file splitter3532
9542012-06-03How to split a text file by line and rename each file to the line contents?Text file splitter3774
9312012-03-27How to split a file into multiple files with ======= as separator?Text file splitter5102
9042012-01-18How to split a CSV file with Header according to value of a column?Text file splitter5214
8812011-11-01How to split different groups of continuous numbers into different files?Text file splitter3576
8792011-10-25How to split a csv file into multiple files according to value of column B?Text file splitter7059
8772011-10-21How to split a text file into multiple files and take the date as filename?Text file splitter4269
8412011-08-25How to split a text file into multiple files with maximum 100k bytes?Text file splitter4446
8392011-08-21How to split a text file into multiple files evenly on size?Text file splitter4263
7892011-05-27How to split a csv file according to the value of column A?Text file splitter4657
7502011-03-27How to append the second columns of file A and B if first columns are identical?Text file splitter3418
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